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The Library runs these FREE activities on a regular basis.
Everyone’s welcome and it’s a great way to get to know people in Hampton Wick as well as enjoying the sessions themselves.
The Library Reading Group meets monthly at the Library at 5:30pm on the last Wednesday of the month.
We choose a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction titles to read and discuss. It’s an informal, friendly group – no-one’s expected to have a degree in English Literature, just an appreciation of a good read and an interest in talking to others about books you’ve enjoyed or not enjoyed. The Reading Group is also a great way to explore titles and genres you might not normally pick up off the shelf.
Fridays at 10am at the Library.
Come and join in the fun with songs, rhymes and stories.
These baby bounce and rhyme sessions are for very young children accompanied by adults.
Ask at the Library for more details or just come along.
Every Wednesday at 4pm at the Library.
Lots of fun for under 6s with songs, rhymes and stories.
Ask at the Library for details or just come along.
Everyone welcome!
Have you ever wanted to learn about your family tree?
Come to the Library for a free 1-2-1 family history taster session.
To book and for further information contact the Library on 020 8734 3359 or email: hamptonwick.library@richmond.gov.uk.