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Hampton Wick Library

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Better signage in sight

Our Library is tucked away and needs good signage from the High Street and other side roads.

The Friends have had a meeting with officers from the Council traffic department. We gained approval for five blue pedestrian direction signs to the Library. Four of these are either brand new or replacements for old/incorrect signage. Included in the scheme is a brand new sign opposite the station.

We also gained Council Streetscene design encouragement for our ideas for better signs on the Library itself to replace the current “invisible” signage.

In our experience we will need to continue to press on both these issues to prevent them getting ‘buried in the intrays’ of our council officers, but we were encouraged but this meeting.

If you have any comments about the information on this page or any other part the website, please email hello@fhwl.org.uk.

Opening Times

Wednesday: 10am - 6pm*

Friday: 10am - 6pm*

Saturday: 9:30am - 4pm*

*Closed for lunch 12:30 - 1:30pm

Story Time

For under 6s

2:15pm at the Library

Reading Group

All welcome

5pm on the last Wednesday of the month

Family History

All welcome

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